How to Sync Your Trello Board With Your Google Calendar: A Step-by-Step Guide

Parker Jenkins
3 min readMay 24, 2021

Trello is an excellent tool for to-do lists, organizing your workload, and managing your projects. Trello is my go-to task management system because of its user-friendly and totally customizable way of letting me set up boards, lists, and cards to organize my tasks and projects. All this talk about Trello leaves one thing, though, and that is how to manage time with Trello.

Fortunately, the solution to this is through Trello power-ups. Trello offers an array of power-ups that allow users to integrate Trello with other apps seamlessly. The power-up I’ll be talking about is called Cronofy. The Cronofy power-up makes it so that users can instantly have their Trello tasks integrated into their Google Calendars in real-time. In this post, I’ll be giving you a step-by-step guide of how to utilize the Cronofy power-up.

Step 1: From the home screen, select the board you would like to use.

Step 2: Click “Show menu”.

Step 3: Click “Power-Ups”.

(Note: Keep in mind that if you have the free version of Trello, you can only use one power-up!)

Step 4: Search for the power-up by typing “Cronofy” into the search bar and then click “add” when you see the power-up appear.

Step 5: From there, you can click “Cronofy” in the top right-hand corner of your Trello board and adjust your calendar settings.

Step 6: If you already have your Google Account linked to your Trello, then your Trello tasks should immediately start syncing to your Google Calendar.

(Note: And don’t worry, you can always modify the lengths of the tasks in your Google calendar if you feel like the duration you set up in your Cronofy settings doesn’t apply to every individual task).

If you’re like me, and you like to use systems to help organize your life and your work, then the Cronofy power-up is perfect for being able to help you organize your calendar with your Trello tasks. I hope this step-by-step guide helped you!

